Welcome to my Sports Illustrated/TIME magazine blog – Your collector’s guide to the latest hobby updates and insight into what’s trending now. I have an interesting conundrum. I don’t like selling on the $10 auctions but I love buying on the $10 auctions. As this is an informational blog regarding graded magazines, and in trying how best to serve interested stakeholders, let’s address the “buying” part of the $10 opportunity. Goldin has dipped their toe in the graded mag collectable market and one of their options is the $10 weekly auction. As a seller, I quickly became disenchanted with this option because sale prices were not up to my expectations. But with every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. These $10 auctions have introduced great pricing even on med-grade mags. As a result, I’ve been buying mid-grade, newsstand, star cover SI’s, many times for under $100, and always below $200. In my opinion, although not rain-makers, these are steals. I’m going to keep buying these auctions until the market wises up and I suggest if this fits your profile, you do the same. Check out Goldin’s weekly auctions. It’s fun because it’s always active meaning there’s always something for sale and it seems there’s always a bargain. Thanks for your continued support in making our hobby the next big event. I hope you are enjoying the reads on the history of SI, SPORT, and BASEBALL magazines as well as an insight into relevant magazine collecting. Great collecting to you in our second century of blogs and best fortunes with Sports Illustrated/SPORT/BASEBALL magazines. For a complete review of previous blogs, please visit www.sportsillustrated98.com |