Sports Illustrated Blog #122 on our way to #200 – Brady SI Covers

Welcome to my Sports Illustrated/TIME magazine blog – Your collector’s guide to the latest hobby updates and insight into what’s trending now.

Welcome to our latest edition of the most informative SI blog out there.  

Tom Brady – TB12 – The Goat.  Most of us have at least a minimum stake in the considerable Brady following. So how will the memorabilia market adjust to the new TB12?  Will the goat continue his popularity with NFL/sports card/magazine fans or will a new career in broadcasting be less “Goatish” and dampen the enthusiasm generated/accumulated over a 20-year playing career?     

In my opinion, any collector/investor not investing in the Brady paper collectibles market is missing a rare opportunity to capitalize on an undervalued, underappreciated, opportunity.   This guy is at the top of the record books in every category anyone cares about.  Sometimes all-time greats don’t have the charisma to attract and keep attracting attention but I think Brady will continue to succeed at anything in his focus and collectors are going to want this guy. 

SI makes it possible to collect a chronology of his career – at least 20 issues.    The downside is the era in which his memorabilia was printed.  His stuff is relatively new (post 2000) which is somewhat of a negative but also offers plenty of opportunity for even the newest of collectors to have a bit of fun with it.       

I don’t think the Brady magazine market is anywhere near it’s peak and my recommendation is a buy (the highest grades).  Let’s check back in a year to see how things have played out.   

Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.   Many thanks for your patronage.   Come grow with us.  

I hope you are enjoying the reads on the history of SI, SPORT, and BASEBALL magazines as well as an insight into relevant magazine collecting.

Great collecting to you in our second century of blogs and best fortunes with Sports Illustrated/SPORT/BASEBALL magazines.